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USAopoly TRIVIAL PURSUIT®: Horror Movie Edition Board Game

Product Number: USATP000585
The Movie Horror Edition of Trivial Pursuit allows players to test their knowledge of 100 years of horror including 600 questions relating to psychological thrillers, epic monster films, the paranormal and the goriest and most disturbing cinema of all time.



The Movie Horror Edition of Trivial Pursuit allows players to test their knowledge of 100 years of horror including 600 questions relating to psychological thrillers, epic monster films, the paranormal and the goriest and most disturbing cinema of all time.

  • Test your knowledge of 100 years of classic horror films.
  • Experience the thrill of your favorite psychological thrillers, epic monsters, and paranormal events
  • 600 riveting questions about the following categories: Monster, Gore/Disturbing/ Psychological, Paranormal, Slasher, and International
  • Includes 100 cards, Die, Wedge Packaging and Rules

Data sheet

Grade 12+
17+ years