In Rebellious Read Alouds, author Vera Ahiyya—beloved by educators worldwide as The Tutu Teacher (@thetututeacher and @diversereads on Instagram)—empowers teachers to encourage classroom conversations about important and culturally relevant topics using daily read alouds as an entry point. Presenting a broad range of read aloud lessons around current, diverse picture books that can ignite deep conversations and learning about self, others, and the world, this wise and joyful guide prepares educators to tackle "hushed topics" with young children. 45 complete lessons plans around children's books, with prompts and recommended stopping points for conversation, and suggestions for inspiring discussion and scaffolding deep thinking.
In Rebellious Read Alouds, author Vera Ahiyya—beloved by educators worldwide as The Tutu Teacher (@thetututeacher and @diversereads on Instagram)—empowers teachers to encourage classroom conversations about important and culturally relevant topics using daily read alouds as an entry point. Presenting a broad range of read aloud lessons around current, diverse picture books that can ignite deep conversations and learning about self, others, and the world, this wise and joyful guide prepares educators to tackle "hushed topics" with young children. 45 complete lessons plans around children's books, with prompts and recommended stopping points for conversation, and suggestions for inspiring discussion and scaffolding deep thinking.
Booklists, tools, and recommendations for building an inclusive classroom library of titles written or illustrated by people in traditionally marginalized populations
Tips and resources for facilitating diversity conversations in a way that's developmentally appropriate — and meets ELA and social justice standards
45 complete lessons plans around children's books, with prompts and recommended stopping points for conversation, and suggestions for inspiring discussion and scaffolding deep thinking
Interviews with educators and parents who offer advice from their experience doing rebellious read alouds
Suggestions for partnering with administration, parents, and colleagues on this important work
In Rebellious Read Alouds, author Vera Ahiyya—beloved by educators worldwide as The Tutu Teacher (@thetututeacher and @diversereads on Instagram)—empowers teachers to encourage classroom conversations about important and culturally relevant topics using daily read alouds as an entry point. Presenting a broad range of read aloud lessons around current, diverse picture books that can ignite deep conversations and learning about self, others, and the world, this wise and joyful guide prepares educators to tackle "hushed topics" with young children. 45 complete lessons plans around children's books, with prompts and recommended stopping points for conversation, and suggestions for inspiring discussion and scaffolding deep thinking.